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      UD V.N. Anços

      mVila Nova de Ançosmestablished in 2017


      Foundation of clubFoundation of club
      to 2022/23
      Change of the name of the club
      Change of the symbol of the club
      CDCP Vila Nova de Anços
      Clube Desportivo da Casa do Povo de Vila Nova de Anços

      2023/24Change of the name of the club
      Change of the symbol of the club
      UD V.N. AnçosUD V.N. Anços
      União Desportiva de Vila Nova de Anços


      Foundation of club - Foundation of club
      Change of the name of the club - Change of the name of the club
      Change of the symbol of the club - Change of the symbol of the club
      Incorporation of other club - Incorporation of other club
      Founder clubs - Founder clubs
      Incorporated in another club - Incorporated in another club
      Utilisation of the pitch - Utilisation of the pitch
      Director - Director
      Title - Title
      Award - Award
      Significant figure - Significant figure
      Historical landmark - Historical landmark
      Extinction of club - Extinction of club